About 360ofme
We Envision a World Where Personal Data Can be Used Ethically While Driving Value for All

Our Story
The Global Shift in Privacy Prioritization
Dear friends,
As a corporate citizen for decades, I advised my clients on the transformative power of a consumer’s data if they had a trusted relationship with its rightful owner…the consumer. My observations regarding the trust gap between individuals and the companies that wanted to know them and use their data, continued to widen through the years of my career.
As the regulatory environment for consumer data began to take shape with GDPR in the EU, I knew something had to be done to bridge the trust gap and have companies and consumers have a consensual relationship that would drive value for both.
Enter 360ofme. At its heart, we bridge the trust gap and ensure that commerce continues to drive value for all parties, based on a trusted relationship. While an ambitious journey, the benefits are huge, and the ethics behind this journey drive us each and every day.
We are blessed with the opportunity to change an entire industry, one that has been called “the new oil” for many years. We exist to change the paradigm of data exchange, and do so with the utmost trust and respect for all parties.
It is going to be a great ride. Come along.
With much love and admiration,
360ofme Founder & CEO

Company Values
Our Values Guide Us Each and Every Day

The ability to bust and move, accept good and work toward great.

Myopic focus on value and trust in all we do, to all we serve.

Be kind, be thoughtful, be caring, be willing to help anyone at any time .

Seek opinions and advice in all we do as we win together.

Willingness to pivot, on a dime, any time.

Never stop peering around corners and being innovative – that is what got us here.
Where We are Located
Our Global Team Provides Us with an Innovative Edge, Enriched by Cultural Perspective and Diversity of Thought


Cindy Warner
Founder / CEO

Kara Grasso
Head of Strategy & Revenue

Mike Owens
Head of Customer Experience

Linda O'Connor
Chief of Staff

Ben Gould
Senior Lead Engineer

Dan Jackson
Brand and Creative Lead

Simona Konstantinovskaya
Marketing Associate
Advisory Team

Carole Bellis

Derek Collison

Dulany Phillips

Jan Plutzer

J. Polizzi, DO
OUR Investors